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- 03 / 09 / 2018 -
Strengthen the management and connection of drug supply establishments

On August 23, 1818, the Prime Minister promulgated Directive No. 23/CT-TTg on enhancing the management and connection of drug suppliers. This Directive shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
In that way, the Prime Minister has stated that Vietnam’s drug supply and distribution system has expanded to meet the demand of supplying drugs to the people.
However, the supply of medicines is still inadequate, highlighting the situation of buying and selling drugs of unknown origin, counterfeit medicines, poor quality medicines; The illicit drug trade, especially the sale and use of non-prescription antibiotics, has led to an alarming degree of antibiotic resistance.
The cause of this situation is the management of drug supply facilities are not effective, there is no effective tool to help people know the information, origin, quality of medicine, prices as well as help State management agencies in inspecting and controlling drug trading activities on the market.
In order to rectify this situation, the Prime Minister requests the Ministry of Health to expeditiously implement measures to unify State management over drug distribution systems to ensure benefits for patients and people. To organize the connection of drug-supplying establishments nationwide from September, 2018; In 2018, it shall be completed for establishments trading in medicines, drugstores and commune medical stations; Strive for 2019 completion for drug counters.
Together with the implementation of the above contents, the Prime Minister also requested the Ministry of Health to complete the guideline, training in writing or video …, ensuring that all organizations and individuals were instructed detail, not allow any facilities not connected due to lack of training, guidance; To issue regulations on the prescription of electronic medicines in synchronization with the connection of drug-supplying establishments to ensure the control of drug prescriptions and sale of prescription drugs; Frequently synthesizing, updating and enhancing dissemination of information on drug products, indications, uses, dosages, origin and prices through the national drug database.
In addition, the Prime Minister also requested the People’s Committee of the province and city directly under the Central Government to direct the connection of drug suppliers, strengthen the management of drug wholesale and retail establishments in the area and implement To prescribe or sell prescription drugs according to regulations; To intensify propaganda activities on the mass media, the grassroots information system on the connection of drug-supplying establishments, the intensification of the management of drug wholesale and retail establishments, the purchase and use of prescription drugs; To intensify the inspection and examination of the connection and the prescription and sale of prescription drugs.
It can be seen that, through Directive No. 23/CT-TTg, the Prime Minister has instructed in detail to improve the management of drug suppliers, To develop linkages between drug suppliers throughout the country, and to develop effective tools to help people know the information, origin, quality of drugs, prices and help authorities The State in inspecting and controlling drug trading activities in the market.