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- 03 / 09 / 2018 -
Regulation on the operation of the National Committee for e-Government

On 28 August 2018, The National Committee for E-Government has issued the Decision No. 336/QĐ-UBQGCPĐT promulgating the Regulation on the operation of the National Committee for E-Government. This Decision took effect from the date of its promulgation.
Accordingly, Decision No. 336/QĐ-UBQGCPĐT has specific content highlights as follows:
1. In principle of operation:
The National Commission on E-Government works on the principle of democracy, publicity and is decided by the Chairman of the Committee and is decided by the President of Committee; The Committee and its members do not change the functions and tasks of agencies and heads of agencies in the State administrative system. At the same time, the personal responsibility of the Committee members in the activities of the Committee and in the performance of their assigned duties and responsibilities; To handle affairs strictly according to their assigned competence and responsibility, according to the order and procedures prescribed by law.
Members of the Committee actively handle work during the implementation of construction and development tasks of e-Government; security protection, exchange information in the job resolution by the tasks, tasks, permissions. The Committee meets once a quarter
In addition, Committee members and working groups work on a concurrency basis. The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Committee shall periodically or extraordinarily work with members of committees and working groups to listen to the situation report and direct the implementation of the Committee’s work programs and plans. Commissioners are authorized to assign the focal point to chair and mobilize the contingent of cadres and civil servants of their agencies and units in the performance of their tasks assigned by the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Committees.
2. On the responsibility of the head:
Heads of ministries, branches and localities must thoroughly grasp the contents of the direction of the Commission to urge, implement construction, e-government development, the electronic administration of the agencies, branches and domains under their charge, and to be subject to the supervision and inspection by the Commission of the implementation of these contents
Collaborate with the proposed Task Force, recommend mechanisms, Policies and solutions to promote construction, develops e-government. To direct units under their respective ministries, branches and localities to closely coordinate with the task force in performing the assigned tasks.
The heads of the ministries, branches and localities shall have to direct the implementation of the tasks of building and developing e-government, e-government in their respective agencies, branches, domains, and localities. To be answerable to the Government and the Prime Minister for the performance of their assigned tasks. To carry out the information and reporting regime in accordance with regulations and requirements of the Commission.
It can be seen that the promulgation of the Regulation on the operation of the National Committee for E-Government is expected to contribute to orienting the operation of the Committee, thereby contributing to the implementation of the objectives, tasks and solutions for building and developing e-government to the digital economy, digital economy and digital society.