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- 29 / 07 / 2018 -
Regulation on administrative procedure control activities under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

On July 19, 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Circular No.18/2018/TT-BCT regulating on administrative procedure control activities under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This Circular took effect since on September 3, 2018.
Accordingly, Circular No.18/2018/TT-BCT regulates the control over the promulgation and implementation of administrative procedures as follows:
1. Regarding the control over the promulgation of administrative procedures
– In the process of proposing the elaboration of legal documents, units under the Ministry are responsible for assessing the impact of administrative procedures. A dossier proposing the elaboration of legal documents of the units under the Ministry must be sent to the Ministry’s Office for commenting before being sent to the Legal Affairs Department for examination.
– In the course of drafting legal documents, units in charge of drafting drafting legal documents shall have to conduct impact assessments, gather comments and submit evaluation of administrative procedures. The Ministry’s Office chaired and coordinated with the unit in charge of drafting legal documents to gather opinions on the contents of administrative procedures in appropriate forms (consultations, conferences, seminars, in written…)
2. Regarding the control over the implementation of administrative procedures
– The Ministry’s Office is responsible for publicizing the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Decision on announcing administrative procedures on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and sending it to the related units.
– The Ministry’s Office shall have to guide, inspect and urge the units in public posting of administrative procedures.
– The Ministry’s Office takes the lead in professional examination of the implementation of administrative procedures.
By detailed and specific regulations, clear assignment of responsibilities for the dependent agencies, the Ministry of Industry and Trade expects Circular No.18/2018/TT-BCT to ensure the effective implementation of the objectives of administrative procedure reform in the direction of publicity, transparency, simplicity, easy to understand and easy to implement; saving time, cost, effort of the object and the agency implementing the administrative procedures; timely remove the inappropriate administrative procedures, complicated and troublesome.