Banks raise deposit interest rates
In need of raising medium and long term capital, which serves business activities at the end of the year and reduction in the ratio ...
Franchise explosion in Vietnam
Franchise has facilitated many foreign brands to break into Vietnam. In addition to franchise industry for food, beverage or education, franchising in goods retail industry...
6 leading economic sectors in Central region
There are 6 coastal and marine economic sectors mainly developed in the Central region, which creating positives results ...
91.9% companies are optimistic about production activities in the last 6 months this year
FDI companies sector is witnessed a positive production volume, 91.1% of which are expected to increase or remain their volume ...
CPTPP makes shift of Vietnam from deficit to surplus
Most signed free trade agreements (FTA) have reflected that Vietnam always run deficit trend ...
- 12 / 05 / 2018 -
Purpose of the work of exercising the right to prosecution, controlling on the reception, handling of charges, information on crimes and petition for prosecution

On May 02, 2018, the Supreme People’s Procuracy issued Decision No.169/QD-VKSTC promulgating temporary regulations on the exercise of the right to prosecution, controlling on the reception, handling of charges, information on crimes and petition for prosecution. This Decision took effect on the date of its signing.

Accordingly, Decision No.169/QD-VKSTC defines the purpose of the exercise the right to prosecution as follows:

  1. All denunciations and information on crimes and petitions for prosecution must be fully received, examined, verified and handled in a timely manner; not to offend criminals and offenders, not to make innocent people innocent;
  2. The reception and settlement of denunciations and information on crimes and petitions for prosecution must be objective, comprehensive, complete, accurate, timely and lawful; violations of law in this work must be detected, overcome and dealt with strictly.

By the temporary regulations on the purpose of the exercise of the right to prosecution, controlling on the reception, handling of charges, information on crimes and petition for prosecution issued together with Decision No.169/QD-VKSTC, The Supreme People’s Court has put forward the basic principles that guide the implementation of the above-mentioned activities, in line with the policy of the Party and the State in building the “close to the people, listen to the people, learn the people, timely serve the legitimate interests of the people.”