Banks raise deposit interest rates
In need of raising medium and long term capital, which serves business activities at the end of the year and reduction in the ratio ...
Franchise explosion in Vietnam
Franchise has facilitated many foreign brands to break into Vietnam. In addition to franchise industry for food, beverage or education, franchising in goods retail industry...
6 leading economic sectors in Central region
There are 6 coastal and marine economic sectors mainly developed in the Central region, which creating positives results ...
91.9% companies are optimistic about production activities in the last 6 months this year
FDI companies sector is witnessed a positive production volume, 91.1% of which are expected to increase or remain their volume ...
CPTPP makes shift of Vietnam from deficit to surplus
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- 23 / 02 / 2019 -
Guidance on implementing some regulations on investment in the form of public and private partners

On December 28, 2018, the Ministry of Planning and Investment issued Circular No. 09/2018/TT-BKHĐT guiding the implementation of Decree No. 63/2018 / ND-CP on investment in the form of public-private partnerships. issued by the Minister of Planning and Investment. This Circular takes effect from February 15, 2019.
Accordingly, the selection of project proposal documents in case of having two or more investors and submitting the project proposal documents are stipulated as follows:
When a project has an investor who submits the project proposal dossier, the ministry, branch, provincial People’s Committee receives the project proposal dossier of another investor when the project has the same objectives and location. score for implementation and in accordance with the planning within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the first investor’s application file.
The first criteria for selecting proposals of investors are as follows:
– Meet the conditions for deciding investment policies as prescribed by law;
– The necessity of investment;
– Technical feasibility, including the plan of using space;
– Socio-economic efficiency of the project;
– Financial feasibility of the project;
– Capacity and experience of investors to organize the preparation of pre-feasibility study reports for their feasibility study reports.
Based on the specific conditions and requirements of project implementation, the ministries, branches and provincial People’s Committees shall decide on the evaluation method to compare and select feasible project proposals. and the highest efficiency, which determines the importance between the factors: technical feasibility, socio-economic efficiency of the project, financial feasibility of the project, and capacity and experience of investors to organize pre-feasibility study reports, feasibility study reports proposed by themselves.
Thus, Circular No. 09/2018/TT-BKHĐT already has specific regulations on evaluation criteria for project approval of investors. As a basis for investors to have implementation directions and also a basis for state agencies to assess the suitability of the project.