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- 28 / 05 / 2018 -
Support for small irrigation, field irrigation and advanced irrigation development, water savings

On May 16, 2018, the Government issued Decree No.77/2018/ND-CP regulating the support for small irrigation, field irrigation and advanced irrigation development, water savings. The Decree took effect since July 1, 2018.

Accordingly, Decree No.77/2018/ND-CP specifies the forms of support as follows:

  1. Support for investment and construction of water storage facilities

–           Organizations and individuals investing and constructing of water storage facilities shall be exempt from land rent fee when the State leases land for construction of works;

–           The local irrigation organization investing and constructing of water storage facilities shall be entitled to support up to 100% of the design cost and construction machine expenses.

  1. Advanced irrigation, water savings

–           To support up to 50% of the cost of materials, construction machines and equipment for investment and construction of advanced irrigation systems, water savings for shallow plants, the support level shall not more than 40 million Vietnamdong/ha;

–           To support up to 50% of expenses for field leveling, the support level shall not more than 10 million VND/ha.

  1. Support for investment and construction of electric pump stations, sewer, solid canal

–           To support for investment and construction of sewer, solid canal: Support up to 70%, particularly in the midland, mountainous areas, the Central Highlands shall support up to 90% of the total investment and construction of works;

–           To support for investment and construction of electric pump stations in the Mekong River Delta: Support up to 40% of the purchase value of construction machinery and equipment.

–           Excluding the cost of site clearance.

With the detailed and specific regulations, Decree No.77/2018/ND-CP has the appropriate support mechanism for farmers to implement small irrigation, irrigation field, showing the concern of the State for the development of agriculture and farmer life.