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- 03 / 06 / 2024 -

Product and goods traceability is a solution that enables users to learn about the origin of the products they purchase, tracing the product from its presence on store shelves back to the original place of production, reviewing each stage of processing and distribution. The importance of product traceability is paramount in business operations, especially in the current climate where counterfeit, imitation, and substandard products are increasingly prevalent.

On March 28, 2024, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BKHCN, which regulates the management of product and goods traceability. This circular includes provisions regarding the responsibilities of organizations and individuals in implementing traceability and providing traceability services and solutions.

Responsibilities of Organizations and Individuals in Implementing Product and Goods Traceability

According to Article 10 of Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BKHCN, organizations and individuals implementing product and goods traceability have the following responsibilities:

Compliance with the regulations on product and goods traceability as specified in Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BKHCN;

Declare the traceability system for products and goods in accordance with national standards, national technical regulations, international standards, and relevant regional standards.

Subject to inspections, checks, and supervision by competent state management agencies regarding the traceability of products and goods as prescribed by law.

In the event of connecting information to the National Product and Goods Traceability Portal, the data on product and goods traceability specified in Clause 5, Article 6 of Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BKHCN shall be promptly updated for each stage of production and business operations onto the National Product and Goods Traceability Portal. Organizations and individuals shall collaborate with the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality to ensure the implementation and maintenance of data on the National Product and Goods Traceability Portal.

Responsibilities of Organizations and Individuals Providing Traceability Services and Solutions

According to Article 11 of Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BKHCN, the responsibilities of organizations and individuals providing traceability services and solutions are as follows:

Providing traceability services and solutions that comply with the requirements specified in Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BKHCN.

Bearing legal responsibility for the services and solutions provided to organizations and individuals involved in product and goods traceability. In case organizations or individuals providing traceability services and solutions wish to connect with the National Product and Goods Traceability Portal, they must collaborate with the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality to implement and maintain the data on the National Product and Goods Traceability Portal.

Subject to inspections, checks, and supervision by competent state management agencies regarding product and goods traceability as stipulated by law.

This circular shall come into effect from June 1, 2024. 

This bulletin is intended solely to inform about newly issued legal regulations and is not intended as advice or for application to specific cases. 

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