Banks raise deposit interest rates
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Franchise explosion in Vietnam
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6 leading economic sectors in Central region
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91.9% companies are optimistic about production activities in the last 6 months this year
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CPTPP makes shift of Vietnam from deficit to surplus
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- 28 / 05 / 2018 -
Reduce and simplify the list of goods, products and simplify administrative procedures in the area of natural resources and environment

On May 18, 2018, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued Decision No.1588/QD-BTNMT announcing plans to reduce the list of goods and products and simplify administrative procedures related to the specialized inspection under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s management scope. The Decision took effect from the date of its promulgation.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment announces plans for goods and products to be reduced and procedures to be abolished as follows:

  1. Announced plans to reduce 38 goods and products (out of total 74 goods and products) subject to specialized inspection in the field of natural resources and environment, reaching 51.3%.
  2. Announce plans to abolish and simplify 13 administrative procedures (out of total 13 administrative procedures) related to specialized inspection in the field of natural resources and environment, reaching 100%.
  3. Request the Legal Department in the process of drafting legal documents on the above-mentioned contents, it is necessary to continue studying and receiving opinions of citizens and enterprises and may broaden the scope, object of reduction, simplification as compared with the announced plan; ensuring the implementation of the plans to reduce the list of goods, products and simplify administrative procedures be substantial, facilitating and not creating regulations that make difficult for people and enterprises.

Decision No.1588/QD-BTNMT is expected to contribute in minimizing the cumbersome procedures, strengthen administrative procedures reform, create favorable conditions for enterprises doing business in the fields of natural resource and environment development, thereby boosting the development of the national economy.