Banks raise deposit interest rates
In need of raising medium and long term capital, which serves business activities at the end of the year and reduction in the ratio ...
Franchise explosion in Vietnam
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6 leading economic sectors in Central region
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91.9% companies are optimistic about production activities in the last 6 months this year
FDI companies sector is witnessed a positive production volume, 91.1% of which are expected to increase or remain their volume ...
CPTPP makes shift of Vietnam from deficit to surplus
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- 16 / 02 / 2019 -
Guidance on plans to implement restrictions on underground water exploitation

On 26/12/2018, the government promulgates Decision No. 167/2018/NĐ-CP regulation on the restriction of underground water exploitation. This Decision takes effect from 10/02/2019.
Accordingly, the Government prescribes the plan to organize the restriction of underground water exploitation, which must be specifically formulated for each restricted area and region, including the following contents:
– List of existing mining facilities (licensed, no license) in each region;
– Measures to restrict specific exploitation for each project;
– Plan, the roadmap for implementing each measure to limit exploitation for each construction.
Restricted areas for underground water exploitation are classified into: Restricted area 1; Restricted area 2; Restricted area 3; Restricted area 4; Mixed restricted area.
Organizations and individuals that exploit underground water shall provide information, data related to the exploitation and exploitation activities of the project at the request of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to serve the delineation of restricted areas; coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in determining plans and roadmap to implement measures to limit underground water exploitation and implement measures to limit exploitation of underground water according to the approved plan.
It can be seen that the new regulation of the Government aims to limit the exploitation of underground water in freshwater areas in the territory of Vietnam, not to grant exploration and exploitation permits to build more underground water exploitation projects new to protect underground water resources in our country.