Banks raise deposit interest rates
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91.9% companies are optimistic about production activities in the last 6 months this year
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CPTPP makes shift of Vietnam from deficit to surplus
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- 28 / 05 / 2018 -
Criteria, competence, order and procedures for recognition of high-tech agricultural enterprises

On April 19, 2018, the Prime Minister issued Decision No.19/2018/QD-TTg regulating the criteria, competence, order and procedures for recognition of high-tech agricultural enterprises. The Decision took effect since June 05, 2018.

Accordingly, Decision No.19/2018/QD-TTg sets criteria for determining high-tech agricultural enterprises as follows:

  1. Apply high technology on the List of high technologies shall be prioritized for development investment in the production of agricultural products.
  2. Produce agricultural products of high quality, yield, value and efficiency; turnover from high-tech agricultural products shall account for at least 60% of the total net turnover.
  3. Have researches and experiments on high-tech application, technology transfer for the production of agricultural products, total expenditures for research and development activities conducted in Vietnam on the total net turnover of goods at least 0.5%; number of employees with professional qualifications from university or higher directly conducting research and development on the total number of employees of the enterprise is at least 2.5%.
  4. Apply environmentally-friendly and energy-saving measures in the production and quality control of agricultural products up to Vietnamese standards or technical regulations or international standards.

With detailed and specific regulations, Decision No.19/2018/QD-TTg plays an important role in setting specific criteria for recognition of high-tech agricultural enterprises, providing a base that the State promulgating appropriate forms of encouragement and support.