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- 06 / 04 / 2019 -
Conditions for kindergartens, preschools and kindergartens for educational activities

On March 27th, 2019, the Government issued Decision No. 758/QD-BGDTT on the announcement of the list of conditions for business investment in conditional business and investment sectors under the management function. management of the Ministry of Education and Training. This decision takes effect on the issed date.
Accordingly, Decision No. 758/QD-BGDDT has specified the Conditions for preschools and kindergartens to operate, as follows:
Having a decision to establish or a decision to permit the establishment of the Chairman of the district People’s Committee;
There are land, campuses, facilities, equipment that meet the requirements, maintain and develop educational activities (specifically, Section 1.2 List of business investment conditions issued together with the Decision No.758/QD-BGDDT);
Having a staff of managers, teachers and staff in sufficient quantity, reasonably structured and up to the standards of ensuring the implementation of preschool education programs and organizing educational activities;
Having sufficient financial resources as required to ensure the maintenance and development of educational activities;
There are regulations on organization and operation of preschools and kindergartens.
It can be seen that, through out the issuance of Decision No.758/QD-BGDDT, the Ministry of Education and Training has clearly stipulated conditions for preschools and kindergartens to operate in education. This regulation has adjusted both kindergartens, preschools, public kindergartens as well as private, private institutions, creating a transparent and fair environment in the management and licensing of units want to invest, business education activities.