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- 03 / 06 / 2024 -

Pursuant to Decree No. 41/2024/ND-CP promulgated by the Government on April 16, 2024. Since June 1, 2024, licenses in transport business activities, car driver training, if not qualified or prescribed specifically in this Decree, will be revoked.


On April 16, 2024, the Government promulgates Decree 41/2024/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decrees related to the management of transport activities by car, car driver training services and driving test services. This new regulation has added a number of cases of revocation of licenses in transportation business and driver training. Specifically, after updating and summarizing, the cases of revocation with the aforementioned types of licenses are, as follows:


Cases of certificate of drivers practicing teacher revocation:

  • Committing fraud when attend training and testing to obtain a Driving Practice Teacher Certificate;
  • Grant to a person who does not meet one of the criteria specified in Article 8 of this Decree;
  • Issued by an agency or person without authority;
  • Erased or amended;
  • Leasing or lending to other training institutions for use but not participating in teaching; or lease or lend to other organizations or individuals for usage.

Cases of driver’s license revocation:

  • Issued to practice vehicles that do not meet one of the conditions specified in Clause 2, Article 3 and Clause 2, Article 6 of this Decree;
  • Erased or corrected;
  • Let other organizations or individuals use it for driving training purposes;
  • The driving training facility is dissolved or its training license is revoked;
  • At the request of the training facility;
  • Driving practice vehicles have 2 or more DAT devices installed and used to cheat during practical driving training.

Cases of revocation of driving training licenses of driving training organizations:

  • Committing fraud to establish or issue a car driving training license;
  • Not implementing car driving training activities after 24 months from the date of issuance of the car driving training license;
  • Suspended enrollment in car driving training 2 times or more within 18 months;
  • The license is issued improperly and incompetently;
  • Erasing, correcting or falsifying the content on the issued license;
  • Rent or borrow license.
  • The driving training facility is dissolved according to the provisions of law;
  • The driver training facility does not organize driver training activities after a period of 24 consecutive months from the date of the written notice of temporary suspension of operations without meeting the conditions for providing driver training services. car;
  • The driver training facility does not organize driver training activities for 24 consecutive months;

Cases of driver’s license revocation:

  • The driver committed fraudulent acts to obtain a driver’s license;
  • The driver erases, erases, or falsifies information on the driver’s license;
  • Letting someone else use your driver’s license;
  • Competent authority issues to ineligible people;
  • There is an error in one of the information about full name, date of birth, nationality, place of residence, driver’s license class, issued value, date of admission, and signer;
  • Through a medical examination, the competent authority determined that there were drugs in the driver’s body.

Cases of revocation of a Transport Business License:

  • Providing a copy that is inconsistent with the original or incorrect information in the application for a Business License;
  • Not doing transportation business of all types stated on the Business License for a period of 06 months or more from the date of issuance of the Business License or ceasing to do transportation business of all types stated on the Business License. business for 6 consecutive months or more;
  • Terminate operations according to the provisions of law or at the request of the transport business unit
  • Repair or falsify image data from cameras installed on vehicles before, during and after data transmission.
  • Failure to comply with the competent authority’s decision to inspect and examine compliance with business regulations and conditions for car transport business;
  • During a period of 1 month, 30% or more of the unit’s vehicles are subject to recall violations and have their badges and signs stripped.

In addition, according to the transitional provision in Article 4 of Decree No. 41/2024/ND-CP stipulates:

  • Certificates of practical driving teachers, driving licenses, driving training licenses, certificates of qualified driving test centers issued by competent agencies before the effective date of this Decree, shall continue to be used until the expiry of the validity period.


This newsletter is for information purposes only on newly promulgated laws, and is not intended to advise or apply to specific cases. 

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