Banks raise deposit interest rates
In need of raising medium and long term capital, which serves business activities at the end of the year and reduction in the ratio ...
Franchise explosion in Vietnam
Franchise has facilitated many foreign brands to break into Vietnam. In addition to franchise industry for food, beverage or education, franchising in goods retail industry...
6 leading economic sectors in Central region
There are 6 coastal and marine economic sectors mainly developed in the Central region, which creating positives results ...
91.9% companies are optimistic about production activities in the last 6 months this year
FDI companies sector is witnessed a positive production volume, 91.1% of which are expected to increase or remain their volume ...
CPTPP makes shift of Vietnam from deficit to surplus
Most signed free trade agreements (FTA) have reflected that Vietnam always run deficit trend ...
- 16 / 03 / 2019 -
Conditions for granting certificates of registration of science and technology enterprises

On February 1st, 2019, the Government issued Decree No. 13/2019/ND-CP on science and technology enterprises. The Decree takes effect from March 20, 2019.
According to Clause 1, Article 6, Decree No. 13/2019/ND-CP stipulates that enterprises are granted certificates of science and technology enterprises when meeting the following conditions:
e)Established and operating under the Enterprise Law;
f)Being able to create or apply scientific and technological results which are evaluated, appraised and recognized by competent agencies according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 7 of this Decree;
g)Having turnover from the production and trading of products formed from scientific and technological results, reaching a minimum rate of 30% of the total turnover.
h)Newly established enterprises under 5 years that meet the conditions specified at Points a and b, Clause 1 of this Article are certified as scientific and technological enterprises.
Thus, in addition to the conditions to establish a normal business, Decree No.13/2019/ND-CP stipulates that enterprises must ensure more specific conditions to be granted a certificate of science and technology.