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- 12 / 12 / 2023 -
Latest Schedule of Registration Fees for Security Transactions

Circular No. 61/2023/TT-BTC, issued by the Ministry of Finance on September 28, 2023, stipulates the latest schedule of fees for security transaction registration (“Circular 61”).

Let’s delve into the details together with Bizlawyer!

  1. Security Transaction Registration Fees:
  1. Initial registration of security measures with real estate (excluding securities registered centrally at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, aircraft), ships, perennial trees, temporary constructions: 80,000 VND/document;
  2. Registration of changes in registered security measure details: 60,000 VND/document;
  3. Registration of notices regarding the handling of secured assets, registration of changes in notices regarding the handling of secured assets: 30,000 VND/document;
  4. Removal of security measure registrations, removal of notices regarding the handling of secured assets: 20,000 VND/document;
  5. Issuance of certified copies of registration content: 20,000 VND/case;
  1. Information Provision Fees for Security Transactions involving Real Estate (excluding securities registered centrally at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, aircraft), ships, perennial trees, temporary constructions: 30,000 VND/document;
  2. Fees for Issuing User IDs for the Database on Security Transactions
    1. Issuing user IDs for one-time self-search
  • Data retrieval based on basic criteria: 10,000 VND/time;
  • Data retrieval based on basic and advanced criteria and requested by the registration agency to extract data: 2,000 VND/transaction;
  1. Issuing user IDs for regular self-search
  • Data retrieval based on basic criteria: 300,000 VND/customer/year for requests submitted before July 1 each year and 150,000 VND/customer/year for requests submitted from July 1 each year;
  • Data retrieval based on basic and advanced criteria and requested by the registration agency to extract data: 2,000 VND/transaction.

Circular 61 and the new regulations on the Registration Fees for Security Transactions mentioned above will take effect from November 15, 2023.

This news bulletin is intended solely for informing about newly enacted legal regulations and is not intended for specific cases or advisory purposes.

We hope this information is beneficial to our valued readers.

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