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- 09 / 06 / 2018 -
New regulations on training program on legal knowledge on multi-level mode

On May 24, 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Circular No.10/2018/TT-BCT detailing some articles of the Government’s Decree No.40/2018/ND-CP dated March 12,2018 on management of business activities by multi-level mode. This Circular took effect since July 15, 2018.

Accordingly, the Circular No.10/2018/TT-BCT regulates the framework for the training program on legal knowledge on multi-level mode and the procedure for organizing the examination of legal knowledge on multi-level mode as follows: :

  1. The framework for the training program on legal knowledge on multi-level mode must ensure the following contents:

–           Training duration: at least 08 hours;

–           Program content: Overview of multi-level sales; the law on management of business activities in a multi-level mode; code of professional ethics of multi-level sales; the law on protection of Consumers’ Rights; the law of advertising.

  1. The procedure for organizing the examination of legal knowledge on multi-level mode

–           Checking the completeness and validity of registration dossiers on examination and certification of legal knowledge on multi-level mode according to regulations;

–           Planning time, place, mode of examination;

–           Notification on examination plan;

–           Organizing the examination;

–           Evaluation of the test results;

–           Notification on examination results.

Therefore, it can be seen that Circular No.10/2018/TT-BCT specifies the content on propaganda to improve legal knowledge on multi-level mode set by the Government in Decree No.40/2018/ND-CP, thereby ensuring that individuals and organizations after attending training courses have the basic legal knowledge to carry out multi-level business activities in accordance with law.