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- 24 / 03 / 2019 -
National program on energy saving in the period 2019 – 2030

On March 13th, 2019, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 280/QD-TTg approving the National Program on economical and efficient use of energy in the period of 2019 – 2030. This decision takes effect from March 13, 2019.
Accordingly, the Program targets some of the following objectives:
Achieving energy savings from 5.0 to 7.0% of the total energy consumption nationwide by 2025 and from 8-10% of the national total energy consumption by 2030.
By 2025, reduce electricity loss to less than 6.5% and by 2030, reduce electricity loss to less than 6.0%.
Ensuring 100% of key transport enterprises have programs to disseminate skills to control technical means / solutions in exploiting and using motor vehicles in the direction of saving energy.
Ensure 100% of key energy consumption establishments apply energy management system as prescribed.
Reduce 5% of fuel and oil consumption in transportation compared to forecast of fuel consumption demand of the industry by 2030.
The program is implemented from 2019 to 2030 with a total budget of about 4,400 billion VND. In particular, the economic non-business funding of the central budget is about VND 600 billion; about 1,600 billion VND of non-refundable aid; ODA loans and concessional loans are about VND 2,200 billion.
The effective use of energy-efficient will have the effect of conserving the nation’s energy and reducing dependence on imported energy. The energy saving program has a great significance in protecting the environment, combating climate change as well as contributing to sustainable growth of the country.