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- 24 / 03 / 2019 -
New regulations on road and patrol weeks to protect road traffic infrastructure

On January 23rd, 2019, the Ministry of Transport (“MoT”) issued Circular No. 04/2019/TT-BGTVT on regulations on road and patrol weeks to protect road traffic infrastructure. Circular No. 04/2019/TT-BGTVT takes effect from March 28, 2019, replacing the Circular No. 47/2012/TT-BGTVT dated November 12, 2012 of the MoT regulating the week examining and inspecting and protecting road traffic infrastructure.
Circular No. 04/2019/TT-BGTVT detailing the tasks of road patrol staff for the following contents: management and protection of road traffic infrastructure; inspect and handle road works damage; work to ensure traffic order and safety and when road works occur or signs of danger do not ensure safety for exploitation and use.
Time for patrolling, checking each position of the project within the assigned national road segment: not less than 1 time/2 days under normal conditions; not less than 1 time / 1 day in the rainy season, on the road section, there is a risk of damage to the project, affecting safety in exploitation and use; The road section has traffic in transportation exceeding the design flow. In case of necessity (the days of flood and flood, bridges with complicated structures, badly damaged works), road construction managers require regular maintenance and operation of public works. Road construction increases the number of times of road times compared to the regulations.
The length of road patrol personnel is assigned to perform tasks depending on the size and nature of works and means of transport of road patrol workers but not exceeding the prescribed level: for roads of grade I and II: 25 km / person; for grade III roads: 30 km / person; For roads of grades IV, V and VI: 35 km / person.
Regarding road patrol work, the Circular stipulates that checking on assigned roads at least 01 time / week, increasing the number of patrolling times in cases where damaged road sections affect traffic safety, landslides, floods cause flooding or risk of landslides, weak bridges and road sections that are potentially at risk of traffic insecurity.
Circular No. 04/2019/TT-BGTVT specifying and detailing the responsibilities for units performing regular maintenance work and operation of road works; duty of the road patrolman; responsibilities of road managers and users and responsibilities of road management agencies. Thereby, ensuring the smoothness of arterial roads, protecting transport infrastructure, contributing to reducing traffic accidents, promoting economic and social development.