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- 06 / 04 / 2019 -
Route to apply emission standards for cars participating in traffic and used cars imported

On March 28th, 2018, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 16/2019/QD-TTg stipulating the route to apply emission standards for imported cars and used cars. This Decision takes effect on May 15th, 2019.
Accordingly, Decision No.16/2019/QD-TTg regulates the outstanding content related to the route to apply emission standards for vehicles, specifically as follows:
– For the route to apply emission standards for cars participating in traffic, as following:
Cars fitted with forced-combustion engines and compressed-motor-driven automobile engines produced before 1999 will continue to apply Level 1.
Cars fitted with forced-combustion engines and compressed motor-mounted cars engaged in production traffic from 1999 to the end of 2008 shall apply Level 2 from January 1st, 2021.
Cars fitted with forced-combustion engines and compressed-motor-driven cars engaged in traffic production after 2008 apply Level 2 from January 1st, 2020.
– For the route to apply emission standards for imported used cars, as following:
Cars fitted with forced fire engines, used compression engines for fire engines are applied Level 4 from the effective date of this Decision.
In case of imported used cars at the time of opening import goods declarations under the Customs Law or having arrived at Vietnamese ports or border gates before the effective date of this Decision, they shall continue to apply the rules In the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 249/2005/QD-TTg of October 10th, 2005, stipulating the route for application of emission standards to road motor vehicles.
Thus, Decision No.16/2019/QD-TTg has detailed regulations on the route to apply emission standards for imported cars and used cars, with the item The goal is to minimize emissions of emissions into the environment from vehicles, ensuring the core goal is to protect the environment in accordance with national regulations, as well as the international community.