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- 16 / 03 / 2019 -
Provisions on day-time inpatient treatment at traditional medical examination and treatment establishments promulgated by the Minister of Health

On March 1st, 2019, the Ministry of Health issued Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BYT providing for day-time inpatient treatment at traditional medical examination and treatment facilities by the Minister of Health. International issued. This Circular takes effect from April 15th, 2019.Accordingly, Article 3, Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BYT specifically regulates the criteria for daytime inpatient treatment as follows:

  1. Health status, pathology of patients who must be treated inpatient but not necessarily monitored and treated 24/24 hours at medical examination and treatment facility;
  2. Time to monitor and treat inpatient daytime for patients at least 4 hours / day at medical examination and treatment facilities;
  3. The pathological condition of the patient who can be treated as an outpatient is not applied for inpatient day treatment;
  4. For patients not residing in the same province or city where the medical examination and treatment facility is located, the patients may be given inpatient treatment or inpatient 24/24 hours.

The appointment of daytime inpatient treatment is decided by a doctor. Inpatient patients during the day are given daily clinical, subclinical visits or follow the appointment of the treating doctor and are entitled to inpatient, follow-up and care regimes during the daytime work.
Regulations on visits, medical examination and treatment activities play an important role in people’s life. The promulgation of Circular No. 09/2019/TT-BYT shows the concern and objectivity of state agencies that are responsible for ensuring fairness and equality in visits, medical examination and treatment activities.